Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11-11-09 How little time we – or at least I – spend reflecting on God’s work in our lives! As I sat in church this past Sunday, I thought of three moments from the previous week that seemed to have God’s handwriting on them. A friend wrote to ask if I knew of a lawyer that might provide some assistance, and before I could respond to this message, another e-mail came through from an attorney who was seeking to help! Another friend could not get her car started and had to have it towed for service, but she didn’t have the money to pay for repairs. It turned out that the car had been completely out of gas, and her insurance company would reimburse her for towing! Finally, I had been slacking on a creative writing project. As I looked through my collection of writing, I found a couple of pieces I’d written and forgotten about that had merit. It was the impetus I’d needed to get going again. God is good.

I have been recognizing that I know a number of individuals who are experiencing trials right now. One friend is caring for an aging parent. Another has a sibling who is very ill who is hoping to receive a liver transplant. Another has had a recurrence of cancer. Still another works in a small office in which the daily drama and personalities involved often make it difficult to stay upbeat. An elderly friend is lonely and wants her life to end. Yet, my life – at least for now – seems to have remained relatively unaffected by personal turmoil. Why? Luke 12:48 is the only quote that immediately comes to mind: “…from everyone who has been given much shall much be required….” Touch me, Lord. Show me. Direct me. Lead me to where I can do the most good.

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